Synoptic Project – Group Update & Filming

As we are approaching the last few weeks of this project, my group and I have really been analyzing and discussing what stage our project is in at the moment and how we feel our teamwork skills have helped us get to this stage in the project. We feel that we have worked as a... Continue Reading →

Synoptic Project – VFX Breakdowns, Group & Project Update

Now that we are in the last few weeks of our Magic Duel Synoptic Project, it is now time to start working towards our VFX Breakdown showreel that contributes towards our end of year grade. This will be displayed at the end of year show along with many other groups projects to display what we... Continue Reading →

MVP Deadline Synoptic Project

In the upcoming week, we will receive feedback for our progress so far as a group in our synoptic project. We will submit a rough render of all the work we have pieced together over the past few months to show what stage in our project we are at and to show that the group... Continue Reading →

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